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Матични број
Био-технолошка и иновативна индустрија
Шифра делатности
Адреса компаније
Via Giacomo Fauser 8, 28100 Novara, Italy
Одговорна особа за рарадњу са CE HUB-ом
Alberto Castellanza
International Sales Director
Назив привредног субјекта
Novamont S.p.A.
Имејл адреса

Novamont is the world’s leading company in the sector of bio-plastics and biochemicals obtained through the integration of chemistry, environment and agriculture. Novamont promotes a new model of bioeconomy in the logic of the circular economy, not only based on efficiency and sustainable use of renewable resources, but also as a factor for territorial regeneration.

Novamont promotes a circular bio-economy model with people at the center and capable of regenerating the territories.

This model is based on three pillars: regeneration of de-industrialized sites, integrated agricultural value chain, products conceived as solutions.

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